When you say “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”
Because it is for necessity and needs that you get in touch with Couchsurfing.
“I found a super-low cost flight to Stockholm, I’ll leave in two weeks!”
“Stockholm is really beautiful, it’s a pity that it’s the most expensive city in Europe!”
Recently it happened to me, and it happened to many people, for any city in the world. Pushed by the idea to find a way to save money till the last cent on holiday, you try to cut at least on the heaviest cost: the accommodation. So you get to know Couchsurfing and a world opens to you.
It’s July, the exams for high school diploma have already finished, the travel planned before is faraway and there’s no responsibility till October. You have two options: watching again the 6 seasons of Sex and the City + the two movies or throw yourself in an adventure without references or certainties. So I decided to begin hosting with Couchsurfing.
I wouldn’t know if Couchsurfing or Ryanair helped me more to discover the world. It’s sure that with the first one I could do it on the veranda, without luggage limits.
Switzerland, Turkey, Honduras, Brasil, Australia, Poland, France, Japan flew to my house. I learnt what the names of Dragon Ball characters mean, how to make origami, and the abc of Japanese and Turkish cousine. I know everything about Brazilian and Polish politics, about Turkish design. I have a boundless knowledge of how people enjoy in Honduras and what you can drink in Poland, about Swiss and French universities and Australian fashion.
I have a complete enough idea on how people see Italians abroad, on how much can be exiting and touching staying in front of St. Mark square or Duomo in Milan.
I saw the shocked faces discovering that Italians can eat a pizza each, I enhanced the beauty of the sound of our language, in addition, finally, to find again the bravery to speak English. I have become an expert in farewells, even though the hope to meet again one day to the other part of the world never dies.
If you’re still wondering what I am talking about, take a look to Couchsurfing, surely one of the pages that changed my life.