One of my favourite sports is to go to Mondadori in Duomo square and browse for hours all the crazy foreign magazines they have, of course without buying anything because none of them costs less than 10€. As well, it’s not possible taking pictures to the incredible reports, because – we can say it – it’s not so good, so I come back home every time more down-hearted for all the beauty lost into thin air. In this situation of despair I tried to find something on the web but it didn’t work: some of them are so underground to not have their website (I googled everything, I swear.) In compensation I found out the website that changed my life, where mainly indie magazines - that cannot even afford to print - can publish their editorials on, legally and for free for each reader. And often they’re more beautiful, interesting and original than the ones you buy at the news-stand.
Here the magazines I got addicted to.